dr. Anton Ružić
Title: Senior research associate
Phone: +386 1 477 3407
E-mail: anton.ruzic [at] ijs.si
Room: C018
Jožef Stefan Institute
Dept. of Automatics, Biocybernetics, and Robotics
Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Professional profile
I am involved in research, applied research and development activities in the field of automation and robotics.
Currently, I work on R & D projects. These include developing new systems and technological solutions for production and manufacturing.
When the projects are carried out under contracts for companies, they most often include the whole range of necessary activities, from applied research and development through prototype construction, up to the design and development of novel systems, testing, modification and deploying at the target site.
Dr. Anton Ružič (male), Ph.D., univ.dipl.eng, is a member of the Department of the automation biocybernetics and robotics department (ABR) at the Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI) in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
In attaining his univ.dipl.eng. degree, he designed and developed a complete robot controller software; for his master’s degree, he designed and implemented a robot cell modelling and simulation software system; he attained his Ph.D. degree for conceiving two original robot path planning method among obstacles of arbitrary, possible non-convex forms.
From the start of his professional career, in the beginning of the 80s, he was involved in the specification, design and implementation of a series of robot controllers and their interface systems (Goro-1, Goro-101, Stefan-201, Stefan-80, etc.). He also personally designed and implemented a number of complete software system for several robot controllers. For his work on this area, together with his colleagues he received the highest national “Award for inventions and technological accomplishments”. He was part of a team that developed the first national industrial robot (that was actually produced by a national company). He was also deeply involved in the first successful robot integration of these robots into a target industrial production cell.
Dr. Ružič worked at more than twenty automation and robotics projects (research, applied research and development ones). He was instrumental in defining project topics and attaining contracts for most of them. Also, he personally led approximately ten of these projects, including “The design and development of an industrial robot for spray coating and surface protection”, “Computationally intensive methods in the study of mechanism movements”, “Development of a special purpose transport vehicle”, “Design and implementation of a hierarchical control system for a fully automated and robotized tea production facility” and “Automated pre-blowing operation in a glass item forming environment”.
His knowledge encompass robotic topics, system analysis and design, sensory and actuator systems, control systems, software systems, process networks, and design tools. He has and permanently maintains good knowledge about various subsystems and components (across hardware, software and methods), involved in automation tasks and projects.
In the past, Dr. Ružič organized and led a number of seminars of the “Advanced production technologies” and “Components of production technologies” series at the JSI, that were carried out by JSI’s R&D specialists, targeted for developments staff and operators from industry.
He acts as a lecturer for the “Fully mechanized processes and robotics” subject for attaining the “International Welding Engineer (IWE)” and “International Welding Technologist (IWT)” professional degree from EWF and IIW international bodies (equivalent to 2nd cycle – master’s degree of Bologna level).
He is long time coordinator for technological transfer in the ABR department.
In recent years, Dr. Ružič attained contracts and was project leader for more applied research and development projects in the field of system analysis and automation at a glass industry company. For this work, he received a number of honors, including the “Golden award for innovation” from the “Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia”.