Open positions – students, post-docs, technicians
Positions are not available anymore. We are looking for new members for research positions such as MSc Student, PhD Student, Post-doc, and Technician in the fields of human-robot physical interaction, human motor control and development of human-oriented control...
ReconCycle Kickoff Meeting
We started project ReconCycle, financed from H2020 ICT-09-2019-2020”, Robotics in Application Areas call. The project’s kickoff meeting was held at Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from February 13th – 14th, 2020. At the meetings the partners were...
International trade fair for automation and mechatronics, IFAM 2019
International trade fair for automation and mechatronics is the leading B2B fair for automation, mechatronics, sensor technologies, measuring technologies, computer vision, etc. in Slovenia and the CEE region. For more than 15 years, IFAM is an excellent communication...
European Robotics Week 2018
We organized multiple events during European Robotics Week 2018. Event calendar: European Robotics Week 2018 - event calendar for Slovenia
How soon will robots be our co-workers?
Our colleague, Bojan Nemec, had really interesting lecture about "How soon will robots be our co-workers?" Video (in Slovenian) is available on Videolectures (clik on picture below): Ali bodo roboti kmalu naši sodelavci?Bojan Nemec, Anja Čuček
Best regular paper award at RAAD 18 conference
Leon Žlajpah and Tadej Petrič won won the Best Regular Paper Award at RAAD 2018 conference for the paper Virtual Guides for Redundant Robots Using Admittance Control for Path Tracking Tasks.
Our coworker awarded the Director’s fund project for 2018
The winers of the "Director’s fund 2018 call" are doc. dr. Tadej Petrič and dr. Dragi Kocev with the project »CoBoTaT - Laboratory for Advancing Collaborative Robot Behaviors in Physical Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios«. In human-robot physical collaboration, robots...
2017 TV, radio interviews, prof. dr. Aleš Ude
28. 12. 2017 Prof. Aleš Ude participated in Odmevi, the central evening news show on TV Slovenia (in Slovene). 20. 10. 2017 In a radio show Podobe znanja, portreti slovenskih znanstvenikov in intelektualcev (in Slovene) prof. Aleša Ude presented our department work...